Here is my DOS GCS Archway Tutorial.

This tutuorial focuses on creating an archway with visual dimension. This tutorial also assumes that you have a good understanding of how the DOS GCS Engine works.

The DOS GCS is not capable displaying a true 3D archway. We can, however, create this illusion.

For this tutorial we need five textures. Two for exterior and three for interior. Exterior1.jpg, Exterior2.jpg, Interior1.jpg, Interior2.jpg and Interior3.jpg.

This is actually a very simple design untilizing the "Don't Draw Backsides," atribute.

Place the exterior textured side by side to create the basic archway.

Next, place the the interior archway textures down, mirroring the exterior texture with it's back facing the outside wall.

Set your grid resolution to 100 and then copy and move your wall by 1 grid placement and rotate 180degrees.

When this is complete, select all the images and Set the attribute to "Don't Draw Backsides."

Finally, take the Exterior3 image and place this image on both sides of the archway to give the illusion that this is a wall with thickness. You may have to play with grid resolution to get this texture to align correctly with the archway.

Your archway should look something like this when broken down into it's texture placement.

That's it, your done.